Arranging paintings or pictures on your wall is one of those small details that makes a big difference in interior design. They add an artistic and personal touch to your home. Here’s how to place and style two or more paintings on your wall to get a unique composition.

How to hang two paintings together
Now that you know how to hang a frame or a decor item on your wall ((we talked about it here)), it will be easier to put two pictures together. Here are some tips you should keep in mind. Have a measuring tape and pencil handy and follow these tips :

1. Make a layout
Haz un layout o presentación en el suelo, con los cuadros del revés, que veas las hembrillas o colgadores. Te recomiendo que dejes un mínimo de 5 o 10 cm de separación entre los dos cuadros. Le aportará armonía visual y estética.

2. Take measurements:
-The set size from left to right
-The distance between the hooks so you can mark the exact position of the holes on the wall.

3. Mark the positions
Transfer the measurements to the wall using a pencil and tape measure.

4. Drill and hang
Finally, drill the holes where you marked the wall and hang the pictures.
Here are some options for your composition :
-Horizontally aligned
-Vertically aligned
-Not aligned

How to hang three paintings or a triptych together
Make a unique composition with three paintings and dress up your walls creatively. To hang a triptych, you will always need the help of another person. For the best result, follow these steps:

1. Make a layout
Place and style the three pieces upside down to see the hooks.

2. Take measurements:
Measure and note the distance between the hooks and the total set size.

3. Mark the holes and drill
Traslada las medidas a la pared, marcando con un lápiz las esquinas y la posición de los agujeros. Ayúdate de un metro o un nivel láser para colocar los puntos a la misma altura.
Agujerea y cuelga las tres piezas.

4. Pierce and hang the three pieces
Once the holes have been made, the plugs and the spikes have been placed, place your paintings in their place.
Here is a step-by-step guide to hanging a 3-piece Wooden Edition. I hope it will be helpful.
These are the ideal places to place 3 pictures together:

Living room:


Dining room:
imagine a world map triptych as the special guest of your table. It will inspire you to dream the new destination of your next adventure.
More ideas to create a gallery wall
Paintings, photos and frames, for sure. But also hats, garlands of lights, macramé tapestries and clocks. The walls are the home's soul, where we can fully express our creativity. Here are some tips for making the most of them.
Unframed photos
Hang them on the wall creating the shape of your choice (heart, circle, diamond...). Find some inspiration here.
Polaroid photos
Combine them in collage mode with magazine pages or prints, playing with the size. Use string and wooden clothes pegs to create a unique garland. Explore here all the possibilities for decorating with photos of different sizes.
Woody Map 3D
With this giant map, your walls won't need anything else. It's perfect for the whole family. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to set it up.
Decorating with paintings without hanging them on the wall
Place your paintingson the floor in front of an empty wall. I recommend using large prints or photos, as this will look much better than using small frames.

Placethe framed picture picture or painting on low furniture. Combine them with other images of other sizes or decorative elements such as lamps, vases, or candles for better visual aesthetics.
By installinga shelf on the wall, you can decorate it with several pictures by just making a few holes.